Digital Marketing for Nib Candy Factory

For eight decades, Nib has been a staple in the confectionery market, weathering a sea of changes and challenges. In a bold move, Nib embraced a fresh identity and, in doing so, chose us as their inaugural partner. Harnessing cutting-edge technology, they unveiled an exciting array of products, from velvety spreadable chocolates to an assortment of treats like bars and bite-sized minis. With a strategic pivot, they focused on captivating the youth, aiming to bolster their market presence and dominate the confectionery landscape. Their marketing arsenal was modernized, leveraging digital platforms, grassroots campaigns, and dynamic video content.

To resonate with their youthful audience, Eternal infused life into the campaigns with a vibrant 3D bee mascot, a constant presence across all promotional avenues. The BTL initiatives were particularly inventive, enlisting prominent influencers to orchestrate engaging citywide events. These events, ranging from playful pillow fights to interactive challenges, were not just fun—they were a gateway for participants to indulge in the sweet rewards of Nib Chocolate.

  • Strategy

    Creative Concept Development, Graphics Design, Digital Marketing , Social Media Monitoring

  • Client

    Nib Candy Factory
